The Montage and MODX download pages still only have version 2.0.5, which is not compatible with Big Sur. But the one on Steinberg's site should be fin...
Hello Everyone, Steinberg usually updates right before we do but within the next 24 hours you should find this new driver on the MONTAGE download ...
Do these XF performances actually add anything useful? They don't have any waveforms that aren't already on the MODX, so are there any significantly d...
Ok, thanks. So basically (if doing it on the MODX) the answer is "don't make mistakes". 🙂 I mean, there are other ways to end up with orphan wavef...
Thanks. Yes, it can be configured to send note or CC data in two dimensions (one message per axis). So what I was wondering was basically if there wer...
Thanks for the suggestions on how to manage this! Loading a user file is certainly an option, especially when more changes have been made. But I wo...
You have to create audio tracks (one for each MIDI track, so just one in this case) and actually record the sound coming out of your MODX. MIDI is jus...
A simpler solution would seem to be to NOT have them overlap. 🙂 If the issue is that you in that case don't have enough range for each, maybe get ...
I should mention, MODX Insertion Effects are another approach to creating new and interesting feedback Effects that extend well into the realm of scie...
Thanks, I'll be going through these suggestions to see what I can come up with!
Assuming your synth lead sound is monophonic (or you'll use it that way enough), you could try: Use one of the distortion insertion effects to gene...