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Joined: Jun 24, 2016
Topics: 26 / Replies: 52
Montage and MODX - Sound Quality output

Others can probably help more, but I will try. Does the keyboard amp have balanced or unbalanced inputs? If the keyboard amp has balanced inputs a...

5 years ago
MODX and MONTAGE the same user arp functionality?

My thing is I had an original MOTIF for almost 13 years, so I guess I was not up to speed on the similarities of other YAMAHA MOTIF flagships and t...

5 years ago
MODX and MONTAGE the same user arp functionality?

Many thanks Bad Mister. I am beginning to think that YAMAHA has never made two synths so closely similar. YAMAHA gave us most of the best things a...

5 years ago
MODX digital audio out from USB

Thanks Bad Mister, I was thinking along the lines of running MODX USB audio out directly to a KRONOS workstation. but I know now that isn't possibl...

5 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 2105
Is it possible audio recording on USB flash stick of Patterns/Chain of Patterns or Songs?

Wow! great timing. I was just getting ready to ask the same exact question about recording MODX songs. Thanks Rob and Bad Mister.:)

5 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1937
Is it possible to have two separate audio ins from two external synths?

I have a mono mic preamp going into the MODX left input, and I have a POCKET OPERATOR SPEAK going into the right input of the MODX. Works great. J...

5 years ago

Many thanks YAMAHA. My first synth was a YAMAHA in 1984. I am a YAMAHA synth user for life.

6 years ago
Some performances trigger drum kick

Excellent! The kick sound is removed. Jason, what you said about the hold being on, and Bad Mister what you said about the Vel Threshold needi...

6 years ago
Some performances trigger drum kick

Thanks for the reply Jason. I kind of thought that some of the performances were setup to trigger that way, but wasn't sure. Thanks for letting me...

6 years ago
Some performances trigger drum kick

Thanks for the reply Bad Mister. Even when MODX isn't hooked up to CUBASE daw, I still get this kick drum like sound. Tried initializing the MODX ...

6 years ago
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