Last seen: Nov 21, 2024
I like that things aren't spaced as far apart, e.g. on the page that lists all the Posts, you don't have to scroll so much to scan the recent posts. ...
Concerning what you said about the "classic" rotary mine is set globally to "studio" so doesn't that mean all live set voices are default set to "Stud...
Concerning what you said about the "classic" rotary mine is set globally to "studio" so doesn't that mean all live set voices are default set to "Stud...
Ah, yes, my suggestion didn't actually address the "while the keys are held down" part, sorry. You're right, the basic FM synth function they have add...
[SETTINGS] button → “Controllers” → “Receive SW” → “Sustain” will let you enable or disable sustain for each section in a Live Set. Turn it Off for Or...
"If you're choosing between the two, simply compare what each can do today. Whatever else either may do in the future will be a bonus." Except now ...
Rather than shaving bits off the high hammers to make them the same as the lower hammers, a more sensible approach would seem to be to buy a bunch of ...
Does the fact OS is only designated as a "1.2" mean anything? CP is on 1.5 or 3 more versions ahead. The designation 1.2 does mean something... it mea...
Okay, I did it. Having bought and returned a YC61 in 2020 (mostly because of the Leslie), and having bought and returned a CP73 in 2021 (mostly becaus...
OTOH, Bad Mister, I think there are also advantages to being able to call up the MX Voices independently, i.e. from different YC Live Set MIDI zones. ...
one can select Room, Hall, or Reverse Reverb before Rotary Speaker. For authenticity, they should add a spring reverb emulation option there!
Ah! Thanks, Jim. The only reverb in the CP73/88 is the one at the end. I knew the YC had a whole lot more effects options in the earlier stages than t...
At 23:45 in the tech talk, he talks about a "trick" or putting the reverb "in front of" the speaker. "In front of" is a kind of ambiguous phrase, but ...
Rotary was the issue with the most vocal complaints, so hopefully this will satisfy a lot of people. I wonder if the additional EQ options may help...
I have no idea whether the livestream will serve as the official announcement.