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Joined: Feb 6, 2017
Topics: 1 / Replies: 14
John Melas Montage Performance Editor 1.0.0 released!

Been waiting a long time for something like this. Thanks.

7 years ago
Ambient sounds

Hi Andres, I'm mainly into ambient as well. He's a Ridgeback Doberman cross but mostly looks like a Ridgy.

8 years ago
Ambient sounds

I have EASY SOUNDS "Nature of Chill" and use it a lot.

8 years ago
Users Suggestions For New Montage 2

Yeah I've read all the posts about using external monitors, but it seems like a messy workaround for something that could be provided (maybe) via the ...

8 years ago
Users Suggestions For New Montage 2

Definitely needs a tilt screen. But also, or instead, I would really like to be able to access the Montage's display via a DAW plugin or seperate A...

8 years ago
Steinberg Yamaha USB driver issue

Yes the Audio Buffer size can be changed as can Sample Rate and anything else that normally works, all without the driver. EDIT: To further clar...

8 years ago
Steinberg Yamaha USB driver issue

Bad Mister wrote: You need the Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver to connect Montage to a computer. That may be the case with Windows or with other DA...

8 years ago
Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver Mac problem

I think I've finally found the problem. I had the Piano Marvel app installed (Piano Training Software). This has a plugin as part of the app. Th...

8 years ago
Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver Mac problem

Hi Harold, and thanks. I've already done all of this a few times before, but just done it all again to make sure I didn't miss any files and prefer...

8 years ago
Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver Mac problem

Hi Jason, thanks for the ideas. Under OSX Sierra the power button seems to work in 3 different ways. Short press puts the computer to sleep, can...

8 years ago
Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver Mac problem

Hi Jason. It's both Bluetooth and USB that freeze or fail to respond. I can't tell if the whole computer is frozen as without Bluetooth or USB I ca...

8 years ago
Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver Mac problem

Jason, thanks but; No other Midi devices installed. Don't have a hub to try, but I doubt it. No Bluetooth midi devices are being used or show...

8 years ago
USB connection issues

Have a look in "Audio MIDI Setup" and see if MONTAGE is showing "Device is online" as checked. Whenever I boot the Montage it does not show up as o...

8 years ago
Introducing MONTAGE OS Version 1.5

Yee Hah, its here. Installing now!

8 years ago

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