Thank you for your advice Jason!
I already seen this video, I talked to Dom about difference between usb and analogue output, for Modx usb is the best way but for Montage, Pure Analog...
Thank you for your answer Bad Mister!
I don't tried tried these methods, only one song directly from audio output to audio interface to Ipad (Cubasis); result was as good as I can ear with...
Hello, Falk, your remarks are the same than I could read everywhere. I can't answer all of them, but about sample memory, I think it's same philosop...
Hello, I play Montage 6 directly or from my CP4; I think audio quality is over many other keyboards but many people don't play Montage, they hear dem...
Very interesting! Thank you!
Thank you for your advice! I will try, it's like piano sounds, i don't know if American Steinway from Synthogy is the best, but Montage CFX is awesom...