Yes, that is a pity indeed, As a matter of fact, the predecessor of the CP4, the CP5 had this ability, if my memory serves me well.
I dunno man, I do love my CP88, but I just wish it had the CFX sound of the CP4 inside. There is absolutely no comparison between the two, absolutely ...
Very nice! Love your EP‘s, thank you very much, Ron.
Hey Ron, would be cool if you could upload these to Soundmondo, so we all can try them on our CP‘s. Thanks!
I've just checked... mine's the same as before... blue .
I've just checked mine... nothing wrong here. CP88 Ver. 1.30.
Poor CP4 got scared, I definitely wouldn‘t rule out that possibility....;)
Hey, I just uploaded a dyno -type 80s ballad sound to SoundMondo - check it out... References
Hi, I noticed that right away too. I can hear it on only two notes though: C#''' and D''' (or C#6 / D6, two octaves above middle C). Every grand pi...
Buy a CP4!
I am actually thinking of trading my CP88 for a CP4 for the same reasons Well, I‘m 100% sure the CP4 will become a veritable classic, with the SC...
I would have purchased the CP73 right there and then but man they are missing some key bread-and-butter sounds. Hard to believe there is was not a sin...
Jeff wrote: How many are building splits combining both internal and external parts simultaneously? I'd expect anyone using external gear and Master... wrote: One of the things we have discovered is that the quick reset also does reset the velocity curves status. [...] I agree: Th...