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Love my new MODX8 - have had it two or three weeks - been running around it like a chicken with it's head cut off! MODX is an awesome keyboard !! BUT, I have to hurry and make the transition from Motif XS and with a little luck got all my old Motif voices and Performances inside the new synth. I know they're in the synth. because I have been accidentally running across them whilst I'm working on something else, but there doesn't seem to be an organized way to find them other than trying to type in the name of the Performance, which works about half the time, but I digress.

My Question is, since I have to get up and running for live shows quickly, and I have to organize hundreds of performances in an orderly fashion, so I can quickly bring up the right Performance in seconds, right after a song is called, I need someone to hip me a quick way to slide around the existing parts within a Performance, to a different order, because, if you get the right order, the patch makes more sense,when you re-visit it later, and you don't necessarily remember what you did when you were building the Performance. Example: If you have 5 parts that constitute one piano, and they're not all together, consecutively, in a Performance, with 3 other parts, mixed in the middle, it can get quite confusing when you re-visit the Patch to tweak a little something about the piano.

I've been having to delete a part or parts to open a slot next to an instrument I want to add something to, and then re-introduce those deleted parts, or re-enter them to a slot position, two or three places over. This process is slow, and takes a lot time. It's like trying to go around your ass to scratch your elbow, to be honest. I know there's probably a really simple way to move these parts around, inside a performance, in a way that can quickly integrate my old patches into the new neighborhood, and simultaneously adding some of this cool new stuff that the MODX can do, to the old patches to put a little ZIP in their walk.

Any quick and helpful tricks would be much appreciated.


Posted : 05/03/2019 9:15 pm
Blake Angelos
Posts: 193
Member Admin


Glad you are digging MODX! I love it too!

To exchange Parts: Press and HOLD [SHIFT] and press [EDIT]. You will get a screen that says Copy/Exchange. There you can move Parts around. Also, when you drop in to edit mode and do the same thing you can not only exchange Parts: You can exchange Operators/Elements (depending on what type of Part it is, FMX or AWM).

Last thing: If you press [UTILITY] and touch "Other Info" then "Shift Function" there is a list of ALL the SHIFT + functions. Lots of cool little short cuts that will help you navigate.

Make sure you check out some of the cool articles: The top post on the home page has them in a single post. The first four articles are really good for learning. Check it out HERE.

MODX is deep, but once you get a few little navigation tips you will FLY on it!

Posted : 06/03/2019 2:43 am
Posts: 0
Active Member

You can exchange parts within a performance, either from Performance/Home or /Mixing, by selecting a Part, then hold Shift and press Edit...this calls up a screen that lets you exchange (or copy) the selected Part with (or to) another Part...(be sure you select Exchange at the top of the screen, otherwise it will simply copy the selected part to the destination Part, which is not what you want to do in this case)...I don't think that anything else changes on either Part, although the MIDI receive channels would obviously change...


Posted : 06/03/2019 2:47 am
Posts: 7913
Illustrious Member

If you press the [CATEGORY] button more than once - the scope of the Performance search will change from "All" to other banks such as "User". If you set the bank to "User" - then none of the Preset Performances will display. This will help you remove the "noise" from the search. If you stuck your converted content into a library instead of the user bank - the library will be named by the filename you converted. If you select this library bank (assuming you placed the content in a library) - then using the library bank will show only those converted Performances and nothing else.

Pressing [CATEGORY] multiple times to "scroll" through banks is one way to do this. Or you could more directly do this by pressing [CATEGORY] once - then use the touchscreen to press the "Bank" and select the one you want out of the list.

Posted : 06/03/2019 6:14 am
Posts: 0
Active Member

When I find a preset that I want to keep and modify, I save it as Live Set - User 2 That's where I keep my 32 best sounds that are music worthy.

The first thing I do with any new sound, is to check the parts to see if I really need all of them. If I pick a preset for lead sounds, it may have drums in the parts. Delete those since I am saving this for a lead sound. Next play the sound and see if every part is playing. Just play the sound, and lower the volume sliders on the MODX. Sometimes I am amazed that there are several parts that only contribute a small overtone to the sound. If it sounds as good without it, delete that part to keep the file simple.
Then you have a fairly clean Performance file to start working with.

Posted : 06/03/2019 8:10 am
Posts: 7913
Illustrious Member

Larry - you're splintering off a bit here. That said - I'll comment on your procedure. It's not bad if you are careful. Some PARTs may only trigger at certain velocity levels. If you do not pay attention to this - you could delete something and then your modified Performance will not sound when you hit the piano keys at the velocity level(s) which you had removed. That's one possibility. Another is that superknob or assignable switches (A.SW1&2), or ... may utilize those sounds deleted - so it'd be worthwhile to try these controls and see if there is anything worth saving. This is less of an issue than the velocity one. I myself have made the mistake of copying over only one PART - but it was velocity limited. So at the gig if I hit the key too hard - no sound. I've fixed this now - just be careful when ditching content.

Posted : 07/03/2019 12:18 am
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

Is there a shortcut for cycling through the parts when editing, i know you cant touch the screen to select a part, and on the montage press the part buttons but looking for a quicker way to edit multiple parts settings.

Posted : 07/03/2019 4:07 am
Posts: 7913
Illustrious Member

i know you cant touch the screen to select a part

I'm guessing this is a typo meant to say "I know you can touch the screen to select a part" ... meaning pressing the "Part" in the lower-left of the screen then selecting the PART from a pop-up menu.

There's not really a faster way. You can press the [PERFORMANCE] button and go back to the home screen then press the PART you want. Unfortunately, there are popups that appear which makes this button method no faster due to need to interact with the touchscreen. It may be "nice" if you could double-tap on the PART and it would go straight to editing. This may be slightly faster - or at least easier since the landing zone for your finger is bigger.

Posted : 07/03/2019 4:43 am
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

Hi Justin,

Yes thats what I meant. So far the MODX is exceeding my expectations. No need for a montage just yet.

Posted : 09/03/2019 7:40 am
Posts: 7913
Illustrious Member

When I was previewing the MODX for my own potential use - I found loss of the quick-access buttons (the extra buttons on Montage for selecting Parts, muting, soloing, etc) was too much to loose as I do leverage those on the band stand. If someone held every Montage in captivity and I only had a MODX to get by with - I could learn to manage with it. For now I haven't invested in a "Montage Lite" to help the schlep factor primarily over this consideration and also somewhat in my preference for the Montage keybed. I think for the interface - there's a "killer app" (maybe Camelot Pro, maybe something else) that can be a great equalizer. Something that makes using a tablet's controls even easier than the Montage onboard hardware buttons. There's not really a MIDI message that's the same as pressing some of the buttons on Montage -- so there's not a route to get there. I'm hopeful for MIDI 2.0's potential but that is probably a reach for this gen. It doesn't necessarily take MIDI 2.0 to implement these things - Sysex with MIDI 1.0 can work fine. I do not think there's a huge motivation to go digging up the current MIDI implementation even though it would be "smart" to allow for MIDI control of any missing physical controls. I'd add the missing tempo knob from Motif as one of those "broken record" items (at least from me).

That said - from a cost perspective - you've always gotten two scoops for a one scoop price out of the "MO" series.

Posted : 09/03/2019 10:39 pm

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