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Wireless to iPad and back

7 Posts
4 Users
Posts: 53
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I want to run SWAM on my iPad as my sound source and want to control it with my MODX. I also want the sounds from the iPad to come out the outputs of the MODX. I'm assuming one way is to use a audio interface but I don't really want to carry around extra equipment and cables if I don't need to. I also have WIDI Master connected so I can do wireless MIDI. Is there a way to get this all to work wirelessly including the audio? Is there a wireless USB solution instead of the WIDI? 

Posted : 28/01/2024 5:46 pm
Posts: 53
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Topic starter

Is this more difficulty than I imagined? I'm surprised I've gotten no responses. Very unusual for this forum.

Posted : 31/01/2024 3:20 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

The forum is closed to the public. It is still being alpha tested. Once it is ready for public use an announcement will be made.


Posted : 31/01/2024 11:26 pm
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member

I'm not aware of a wireless solution that would transfer MIDI+Audio to/from your MODX.  A single cable would do this, though - so it's not much bulk to carry.  

Posted : 12/02/2024 8:36 am
Posts: 811
Prominent Member

You should be able to use the widi for wireless MIDI, and use iPad analog output (headphone jack, whether built-in or through USB adapter, depending on your iPad) into a wireless audio transmitter, into the line inputs of the MODX. For example, you could use Boss WL-20L (one for mono, two for stereo), with appropriate 1/8" to 1/4" adapter. (This is a common approach for Roland AX-Edge keytar users... bluetooth for wireless MIDI, Boss adapter for wireless audio.) But yes, as Jason suggests, a single USB cable is the way to go unless something precludes that. Simple, fast, light, cheap, and it's just one component vs. multiple (to pack, carry, connect, and potentially lose)... and unlike wireless audio transmitters, there's no need to worry about changing batteries or keeping (more) things charged. 

Posted : 16/02/2024 1:15 pm
Posts: 811
Prominent Member

Posted by: Anonymous
The forum is closed to the public. It is still being alpha tested. Once it is ready for public use an announcement will be made.

While obviously things are still not fully functional here, I wonder, where did you see that info? I haven't come across any kind of announcement of it being in an alpha test phase or that they will announce when it isn't. (In fact, based on past experience, I'd almost be surprised to see an announcement of different phases or being fully operational, things just seem to kinda happen!)


Posted : 19/02/2024 2:47 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

While obviously things are still not fully functional here, I wonder, where did you see that info?

I had noticed that this new forum page seemed to come and go but had some problems. I used the 'Contact Us' link on Jan 27 to report some of those issues and later that day received this reply in an email from Blake:

You realize this forum is not live to the public yet, correct? You found a backend to get it. We are still not truly live and are working on it.

. . .

The link, while public, isn’t directly accessible from the main forum link. I realize it’s not the “back end”. I just spent the last 4 days working 12 hour days at 88 db. 
It’s clear we are going through some pains. Apologies it isn’t completed yet but I have every reason to believe it will be a better site overall once things get ironed out. There are a lot of moving parts  

If you click on the 'Forum' menu item at the top of the page and you will see the 'Under Construction' message. So this current forum link is STILL not directly accessible from the main forum link.

I haven't come across any kind of announcement of it being in an alpha test phase or that they will announce when it isn't.

Sometime in early February Blake posted this announcement in the news section that that new forum is now open.

You may have noticed the forum was not working recently. We encountered a few unanticipated obstacles during our site maintenance. This led to the forum being down for longer than expected. Some forum content may have been lost during the outage. Our apologies if this happened to one of your posts or replies.

We are happy to report that the website, including the forum, is back to normal.


Even on that page announcing the forum being open the 'Forum' menu selection still won't take you to the new forum.

My suggestion, given the anomolies that still exist is to assume that any new posts or replies are subject to being 'lost' until they fix the remaining problems. Just a couple of days ago two of Jason's recent replies in the 'Play sustained note without using sustain pedal' appeared in the 'recent list' summary but did not appear when you actually visited that link. Now they do show up. So something has changed just in the last couple of days.

Posted : 20/02/2024 4:16 am
AnotherScott reacted

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