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Joined: May 31, 2019
Last seen: Feb 27, 2024
Topics: 20 / Replies: 33
RE: Drum Pattern plays other parts

Your answers were extremely helpful. Thank you both!

5 months ago
RE: Drum Pattern plays other parts

I have three parts. I had keyboard control on for the first (organ) and third (drums) parts on when I recorded the pattern. I see my error now and it ...

5 months ago
RE: Drum Pattern plays other parts

Hmm, so I guess what you're saying is that when recording it remembers which parts had keyboard control on and then if you turn on keyboard control fo...

5 months ago
Replies: 7
Views: 132
RE: How to turn off foot controller 1 to designated parts

Ran into this same problem a few days ago. Is there a way to load your RcvSw Example2 into a MODX? I tried using MODX Connect, but it says .X8B

5 months ago
RE: canceling a scene set done

So, I had the same problem. I tried what Jason recommended but got different results. I turned off all the memory buttons, hit [SHIFT]+the same scen...

5 months ago
RE: Play sustained note without using sustain pedal

That's what I was originally thinking, but I thought I could only assign a waveform to a drum key. How would you assign a performance or strings to a ...

5 months ago
RE: Wireless to iPad and back

Is this more difficulty than I imagined? I'm surprised I've gotten no responses. Very unusual for this forum.

6 months ago
Replies: 6
Views: 143
Playing along with drums

Wow! That worked perfectly. I turned off keyboard control for my piano, recorded my drum part and then turned keyboard control back on for the piano a...

1 year ago
Replies: 8
Views: 292
Add vibrato after key down delay

Thanks again for your help!

1 year ago
Add vibrato after key down delay

Thanks. I got it. Sounds GREAT! I used the Mod/Control and Control Assign to assign InsA PmDpth to my Mod Wheel. Works perfectly. btw, good thing y...

1 year ago
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