The Pony Express finally delivered my Rokit 6s late yesterday afternoon! Unboxed - boxes within boxes within a BIG box - and installed even more carefully on the foam pads i also bought. No probs at all - they are significantly smaller than my M1s, very tidy little things. Switched on and set the volume to the mid-point, left the high and low gains at zero. Very pleased with the results - plenty of bass, well defined, and clear, crisp treble. Clarity and separation as hoped - I've been through most of the Pfs on Montage, everything is better, and the Organs, Guitars, and Basses are hugely better. They were particularly 'muddy' on the M1s, so much so I couldn't use them - now they're fine! I can certainly use them. So, somewhat to my own surprise, I can recommend them to anyone thinking of changing up a gear from 'entry-level' speakers without breaking the Bank (they cost €369 with the foam pads, delivered free - but slowly - from Thomann).
The trouble now is that all my created Pfs are wrong - they all need re-balancing now I can hear all their components properly ...