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Scene function with SM

3 Posts
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I noticed with SM that scenes can be saved along the path of the morph line however...

Once the SK link is off and "Play" is on, why can't I touch the grid and save that FM program to a scene button?

Even after disconnecting all of the SK links, the scenes will not recall or save any of the SM selections during "Play".

Since the SK forces you to select parts along the created straight line path it'd be nice If, once unlinked, if you could select any part within the grid and not only be able to play it but store it to a scene.

Maybe it's possible but I haven't found it yet.


Posted : 05/07/2020 8:27 pm
Posts: 7912
Illustrious Member

Because scene memory doesn't memorize the 32x32 grid current location. Scenes memorize superknob location and because superknob location can be linked to a 32x32 location (along a straight line) - you get some limited control between scene buttons and the 32x32 location. You could change the superknob path so it crosses through the point of interest. If you have one other point of interest - then a straight line supports this (2 arbitrary interesting points). However, if you must have a 3rd point and it's not along a line - then you're stuck in terms of scene control without doing more work and burning resources.

By more work / burning - you could take that one point of interest you can't reach along a straight line (because it's that 3rd off-vector point) and save that one point as a new PART. In other words - take any point on the 32x32 grid and save this point as a new PART. That PART itself cannot be morphed - it doesn't participate - but it can be a "snapshot" of that sound. And then, when it's a new PART (say PART 2) - you can use scene control and keyboard control or mute to only make that snapshot sound.

As an aside, there's Ideascale activity around improving the superknob path so scenes can access more points on the 32x32 grid than available with a single straight line.

Posted : 05/07/2020 9:42 pm
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I knew that might be in the future works. The power that's finally unlocked within this method is endless I think.

It's hilarious that it took until 2020 to finally unlock the potential of FM without needing a scientific degree and a ton of free time.

Great job Yamaha as you got my Montage back with something intriguing and shall I admit, simple.

Posted : 06/07/2020 12:54 am

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