// I'll probably add to this as I think about and memory of experiences are jogged during usage. I don't keep a computer next to the MODX, for sanity's sake.
In the interests of flow:
Improve Copy Facilities:
Context and Previous Action Aware Copy:
Copy [Shift + Edit] facilities have some modicum of insight into the current context, so they auto-fill in a manner that's most often already the desired (most common and likely) destination.
Arp Copy to copy across Velocity and Gate Length, as well as the arpeggio.
Ability to Copy both Effects or one Effect and values from Part to Part in current Performance, and from any Part in any Performance to the currently selected Part or any other Part in the current Performance.
Ability to Copy Envelope Settings from any Envelope to any other Envelope in a Performance.
Unison-like variance spread rate and distance controls for all Parameters of All things that can be used to build and vary Unison-like sounds.
Huge time and frustration savers:
Prevent data loss in modded Performances!
If the currently active Performance has been modified and not yet saved., warn user before 'Recalling' a selection of a new Performance. A system feature prevents sleeping of the device if the current Performance hasn't been saved, so this shouldn't be difficult to code. Preferably also warn with a list of the things different from the saved version for review, in a simple list of Parameter Name and the original value vs the new value, with dynamic jog dial editing possible of values in this list, please.
Undo and Step Back/Forward!
In the interests of power:
Curves in the envelopes for Filters, especially release and Attack, so they don't crimp and screech on resonance. Alternatively, provide a means of dropping resonance faster than the release, so that it doesn't screech and squawk when getting pinched by the Filter's envelope coming down on it during that release stage. Similarly for the Attack phase, though less important as this tends to happen faster for most sound designs and is therefore less noticeably uniquely a problem to these synths.
Category button usage not automatically select.
Category filter choices not automatically make a selection.
Category button usage not automatically select a filter choice.
Category button usage remember previous search string and filter choice.
[quotePost id=116083]One of the complaints I see most often is regarding people not being able to easily determine all of the settings for an operator, part or performance.
Agreed. So essential for editing that this should be visually presented, in editable forms, from multiple perspectives, on the device. If you ever use a Waldorf Iridium or even just its forerunner (Nave on iPad) it's obvious how at least a half dozen ways can make peering into and directly editing across all related values is not just a faster insight, but also the ultimate way to set up and review modulation connections, which is the single biggest feature of the MODX/Montage, via the assignable knobs to SuperKnob.
And that all starts, as you rightly point out, at the Operator and Element level.
It always feels like some of the obstructions and obfuscations are deliberate, so bad are they.
Cutoff Envelope Generator [ CEG ]
Resonance Envelope Generator. [ REG ]
FM-X wave shapes that are SAW, TRIANGLE and SQUARE without need to burn Operators and Carriers "faking" them.
Sine waves in the Element LFO, and everywhere else they're missing.
Tempo Rate Sync option for/of Element LFO
Velocity and AfterTouch control of Motion Sequencer and SuperKnob rates
Velocity and AfterTouch control of FM-X Carrier/Operator Amplitude and Pitch "Envelope" Rate - as in AWM2 Envelopes
Filters per Carrier/Operator of FM-X, since its headline feature is spewing spectrums of harmonics perfect for filtering.
[quotePost id=116237]Too much low-hanging fruit could cause branches to break or bend to the ground. Then the 'not quite ripe' fruit will just rot and get infested!
Get back to StackOverFlow, stat!
A chord feature! Primarily to drive arps with a single note input representative of chords of notes, but also as a standalone chord feature!
The ability to edit any and all parameters whilst Patterns are playing, just like we can edit any and all parameters whilst arps are playing.
Pattern Sequencer able to drive the Arp/Phrase System. Instead, as it stands now, the recording of Patterns with the Arp/Phrase system on is actually recording all notes created by the Arp/Phrase, not merely the Pattern played by the user driving the Arpeggio/Phrase System. This is an odd limitation of the Pattern Sequencer that's both costly in terms of note events recorded and subsequent creativity limitation (the ability to change the Arps of the Part and let the Pattern "drive").
mp3 playback from USB stick
Part EQ bypass - on/off switch: particularly useful during sound design and Performance mix balancing
Part EQ presets - user save and recall, and copy/paste between parts
Add ALL Part EQ parameters to the list of things Controller Assignable
Disable Immediate Jog Dial Part changes when a part is selected.
This is a destructive action, that cannot be undone, and has no reason to exist. Similarly, disable immediate Plus/Minus changes of the Part at this state of selection for the same reasons, as it's even more powerful and disastrous.
Instead, make the Category button state/context aware, so if any aspect of a Part is selected, pressing it brings up Part Selection of Single parts if there is a Part to the right of the currently selected Part, or all Performances that can be added for remaining empty Part slots to the right of the currently selected Part.
This should have been the default behaviour.
This is a destructive action, that cannot be undone,
It's important to be aware of recall:
This isn't the holy grail - there are not multiple levels of "undo". However, it should slightly modify the notion of what can or cannot be undone.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
[quotePost id=116465]
This is a destructive action, that cannot be undone,
It's important to be aware of recall:
This isn't the holy grail - there are not multiple levels of "undo". However, it should slightly modify the notion of what can or cannot be undone.[/quotePost]
Well aware of it, and its MANY limitations and foibles. It is not something to rely on.
Motion Sequences
Uniquely settable step lengths for the Motion Sequences, in percentage of normal duration:
3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 33, 25, 50, 66.66, 75, 100, 125, 133, 150, 167, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1200, 1600
When the user presses Shift, flash all the buttons that have Shift functionality.