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Reface DX Feature requests

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I really like my new Reface DX.

My feature requests for future firmware upgrades and/or next generation Reface DX:

1. Master Tune and Master Transpose should be possible, NOT only via MIDI sysex/control messages but on the device itself. I want a special menu or key combiniations for Master Tune and Master Transpose.
I have never heard from anyone in real life situations using MIDI sysex or control messages to tune an instrument, especially on stage!

2. More patch memory locations. 128 is nice number to start with.

3. A SysEx dump request command to request all 32 (or more) patches, and:

4. A way to dump up to 32 (or more) patches to the Reface DX followed by a "Write Request" sysex message that stores each patch in a given location, without the need to manually push the "STORE" button, select the location, confirm "are you sure", etc, etc, for each single patch.

Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think, Yamaha guys?

Posted : 01/12/2015 7:52 am
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1. Master Tune and Master Transpose should be possible, NOT only via MIDI sysex/control messages but on the device itself. I want a special menu or key combiniations for Master Tune and Master Transpose.
I have never heard from anyone in real life situations using MIDI sysex or control messages to tune an instrument, especially on stage!

@Martin I am not sure why you think there is no transpose function on the device itself... you have to push the function button to get to it, and it is the first parameter to the left of the screen, called 'TP', or 'transpose'. You also have the option to change the voice from POLY to MONO or MONO LEGATO. On the right of the screen is the PB, or Pitch Bend range. You can use these on the fly, or program them into the voice and then store the voice.

I agree with you that there should be a Master Tune function. I have this in my MM8, but getting to the screen in that is a little arcane. I'm currently using it as midi controller for the reface DX.

Posted : 02/12/2015 12:31 am
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Robert wrote:

@Martin I am not sure why you think there is no transpose function on the device itself... you have to push the function button to get to it, and it is the first parameter to the left of the screen, called 'TP', or 'transpose'.


Posted : 02/12/2015 8:05 am
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My requests for a software update for the reface DX would be:

Ability to have LFO Destination be Feedback Level for each operator with different levels. This could be a fourth page on the LFO Tab
Ability to make LFO monophonic and set to a clock (BPM)
Make LFO Single Shot (to create simple envelopes). LFOs would then have three modes poyphonic, single shot and Monophonic
Allow each Operator have an individual depth setting for Pitch LFO instead of just enable/disable. These could then be set on the second page of the LFO Section leaving an extra fader on the front page for LFO Mode select.

Ability to use Pitch EG for Feedback Level for each operator (then one could disable pitch envelope for each operator and have that envelope only for feedback) This would add one more page to PITCH EG for total of four.

Add a resonant low pass filter effect with cutoff frequency and resonance controls
Add a Tremolo/Autopanner Effect like in the CP this could also be two separate effects.

Posted : 03/12/2015 10:26 am
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New Member

Gary wrote:
Add a resonant low pass filter effect with cutoff frequency and resonance controls
Add a Tremolo/Autopanner Effect like in the CP this could also be two separate effects.

Came here to post this exact thing - both would be amazing!

Posted : 30/04/2016 1:36 pm
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My Request..

Effect-Section: 1. It would be so useful if there is a way to use the effects with external audio...and please: the looper-guide (metronom) ironically is in the signalchain BEFORE the effect-section. so if there is a delay on the sound, it´s on the metronom too..pretty useless 🙂

Sound-Mondo: Please Let me go through the registerprocess, i can´t login..

Posted : 06/05/2016 8:14 pm
Posts: 1717
Member Admin

Hi Danny,

Thanks for your post. Sorry you are having problems with logging in for the Soundmondo registration. We've replied to your other post in the Soundmondo forum here, Just wanted to be sure you saw it.

Thank you.
Amy, Community Coordinator

Posted : 09/05/2016 11:13 am
Blake Angelos
Posts: 204
Member Admin


I wanted to respond to this thread and tell you that we are listening and doing our best to carefully consider everything that has been posted here. In fact, the feature requests by Martin in this initial post were actually requested by other users. Requests for product upgrades are sometimes entirely possible and sometimes they are outside of the scope and initial design concept of a product. The bottom line is this: We really do monitor these requests and when they are valid--as most of the requests in this thread truly are--we certainly forward them on to the designers and engineers at Yamaha. So, let me respond as best I can to the requests made within this thread (and forgive me if I missed one):

"Master Tune and Master Transpose should be possible, NOT only via MIDI sysex/control messages but on the device itself."

--This was very important and was added in the version 1.3 update.

"More patch memory locations. 128 is nice number to start with."

--Noted and we are researching.

"A SysEx dump request command to request all 32 (or more) patches."

--We will look into this possibility.

"A way to dump up to 32 (or more) patches to the Reface DX followed by a "Write Request" sysex message that stores each patch in a given location, without the need to manually push the "STORE" button, select the location, confirm "are you sure", etc, etc, for each single patch."

--We will look into this possibility.

"Ability to have LFO Destination be Feedback Level for each operator with different levels. This could be a fourth page on the LFO Tab."
"Ability to make LFO monophonic and set to a clock (BPM)."
"Make LFO Single Shot (to create simple envelopes). LFOs would then have three modes poyphonic, single shot and Monophonic
Allow each Operator have an individual depth setting for Pitch LFO instead of just enable/disable. These could then be set on the second page of the LFO Section leaving extra fader on the front page for LFO Mode select."
"Ability to use Pitch EG for Feedback Level for each operator (then one could disable pitch envelope for each operator and have that envelope only for feedback) This would add one more page to PITCH EG for total of four."
"Add a resonant low pass filter effect with cutoff frequency and resonance controls."
"Add a Tremolo/Autopanner Effect like in the CP this could also be two separate effects."

These requests are all good. We will certainly look into each of them and really appreciate the feedback. Believe me: We are doing our best to design and produce products that inspire creativity and feedback like this is seriously considered and appreciated.

Please continue to share your thoughts in this forum, and THANKS!

Posted : 10/05/2016 2:25 am
Posts: 0
Active Member

Features I'd like in addition to many great suggestions here:

* Arpeggiator:
Activated by selecting 0-4 of steps for each operator. 0=OFF.
Up, Down, Down/Up, Up/Down modes and maybe some other rythms.
Tempo Sync ON/OFF.
Static Latch Mode. (Arpeggator is programmed to be running at all times, very usefull for a modulator).

Imagine assigning the Arpeggiator to a modulator.
It would be like a mini version of the Motion Sequencer in Montage. It would be a gigantic feature that would really make the instrument stand out.

* Chord memory

* Selectable Pitch stick mode where it works like a modulation Source that can be assigned to any and several parameters instead of just bending the Pitch.

* More Modulation Sources and destinations (Feedback Levels being a very important one to be able to modulate).

Posted : 11/05/2016 8:48 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

"Selectable Pitch stick mode where it works like a modulation Source that can be assigned to any and several parameters instead of just bending the Pitch."

THIS! so much...please let us use the pitchbend as an universal programmable modwheel..

Posted : 19/05/2016 11:58 am
Posts: 0
Active Member

Yeah i'd love to see an option to atleast use the pitchbend as a mod wheel for Pitch.


Posted : 01/06/2016 9:23 am
Posts: 0
New Member

Yes, more patch memory would be great! Hopefully the hardware is already there otherwise we could open it and change some circuit...

Posted : 10/07/2016 10:17 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

is there any timeline for an update? i love the dx, but a few things on it makes it more and more a "no-go"-synth for me..

Posted : 12/07/2016 12:56 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

Hi everyone!
One more feature that would be nice to see implement (IMHO) is the ability to copy and paste EGs from one operator to another 🙂
Thanks a lot, have a nice day 😉

Posted : 16/07/2016 8:20 am
Posts: 0
New Member

Something That I'd love to see:

The ability to change voice whilst in looper mode, so you could play in a second voice whilst the first voice is looping.

And on top of that being able to record that second voice along with the first voice, so you'd have 2 different voices.

So you could create a loop consisting of x amount of different voices.

It would be nice to be able to undo a recording in looper mode, although that would cost memory as well, which could be reserved for having more voices

Thanks for reading,
- Nathan

Posted : 27/07/2016 7:14 pm
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