Joined: Mar 27, 2014
Topics: 8 / Replies: 22
Where are the VL and WX gone ?

Steve is a long time Yamaha drum artist.

10 years ago
CP4 Data List abbreviations

Not exactly...They are all the same sample set, just mapped differently. The mono sets are derived from the stereo sets just not in stereo, and also ...

10 years ago
Any love for FS1R

There is quite a "cult" of FS1R fans out there and MIDI Quest has a very comprehensive editor for all current OS platforms. You are not alone... E...

11 years ago
CP4 Data List abbreviations

St = Stereo Mn = Mono MW = Modulation Wheel (programmed in the performance to alter the sound) + = keybanks pich-shifted positive (up) - = keybank...

11 years ago
Velocity curve settings

The velocity curve setting is global and applies to all voices and performances. What you can do is edit the velocity depth and offset to customize t...

11 years ago
Where are the VL and WX gone ?

Don't know about the VL Quartet but you can hear the VL Big Band here: br /> Enjoy! One correction: Flintstones Arr. Nate Tschetter

11 years ago
MIDI Live Recording Alignment

While this is really a "Steinberg" support question and not directly related to Motif...there is a most elegant way to "quantize" the way notes are di...

11 years ago
loading all file

Not really enough information to solve your problem. If you look at the samples on your flash board do you see the sample? [Utility] [F6] If so, then...

11 years ago
LOVE my AN1x !!

A google search should put you in touch with several sources for additional voice libraries for the AN1x. There is quite a group of appreciators out t...

11 years ago

Absolutely... There will not be the deep level of integration that you get with Cubase, but the basic functions of transport control, recording, track...

11 years ago
Crossfade Looping for Motif XF sampler edition

To be honest, it is so much easier to perform edits such as "crossfade looping" on a computer that the comparison to trying to do it "onboard" creates...

11 years ago
mix track

Did you save the MIX before executing the the Mix Track function? Let us know and we can go from there...

11 years ago
How do I stop layering in Yam 90 SE

In order for the S90ES to be multi-timbral you must choose the "Multi" mode. Then edit the parts in the Multi so that you have the voice you desire on...

11 years ago
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