Hi. Use free samples like from here:br /> Add in Montage / Modx Effect processor (FX) like Phaser
Fantom = 9 synthesis engines (Sampler, PCM Rompler, Supernatural, V-Piano, VA, 4 x Model Expansions) I am waiting for a new additional engine in my...
An interesting initiative.
I will gladly put my Blofeld in my MODX
I voted Idea Scale
Smart Morph is similar to vector synthesis embedded in FM-X. Without a joystick, but I will do the same on the touch screen Bravo Yamaha!
I know. I have this one with my PC3K8:) I use it to control my MODX6. It works very well
... keeping in mind the MODX series drops a few controller sources. Ribbon and aftertouch. A Kurzweil PC4 is 16-zone. It doesn't have a ribbon ...
Here you will find my job. Converted Voices from Motif ES After unpacking zip file you will find 3 files: ESpre1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5.X8L - 640 voice...
You can download the XF Performances from here:br /> I know. But why do I have to waste USER or Libraries slot? Why they don't added this like in...
Motif XF Performances not added to os 2.0. It is big mistake like for me.
Also here are the libraries for Montage/Modx: