Last seen: Dec 26, 2024
Thank you! So it does look like the issue exists and the fix is underway.
Are there any suggestions to this issue?
Thanks for the update. It is now working. When I searched on Google, I didn't get the latest results. I will check the version history and install it ...
I found that it is definitely not the quality of the sound on Montage. Not broken. Its great still. When I use headphones both sounds great, however t...
May be something that I play with settings to get same sound listening feel on both?
Alright! Here is what I found. I went to a nearest guitar center and I placed MODX and Montage 61 next to each other. Outputs were connected to a JBL ...
The Soundcraft mixer was a situation when I recently played for a show, the new keyboardist wanted me to use a common mixer. Regardless of the setup, ...
Ok. Lets keep MODX aside for now in our conversation. 1. I have a Machine 1202 VLZ4 mixer. 2. I have two TRS cables, the ends have TIP, RING, and ...
Thanks Bad Mister for the response. The setup was very simple. Lets take an example of a simple living room what we did during rehearsals. The L an...
Thank you. I used balanced cable. I always use balanced cable for both Kronos snd Montage. Can someone show me what chorus and spatial enhancer or...