Understood. A dedicated weighted action piano is likely going to have a premium action, I don’t know the one you mentioned... what is unknown is the e...
Bad Mister thanks for your replies, I see you are like a politician and like to give more questions as your answers lol! No worries I will cut n paste...
I could be wrong, but my take is "dumb" is a way of denoting that the external keyboard has no tone generator and is strictly a MIDI controller. Thro...
I dont see any of this thread as bashing. I see it as genuine yamaha customers getting a bad deal. My other thread and its original version just asked...
wow that's not good to hear! The thing is it not just the noise. It does affect playability. The keys do not play the same on the 2nd depress because...
Yes I am having issues with my MODX8 after only 2 months of home use. Several keys are very loud but with most if the keys in the middle octaves havi...
I prefer encouragement over bashing because the hardware and legacy of engineering/innovation is, in my opinion, too great to be anchored by software....
Jason you are a star! I completely removed the drivers and my UR22 and then reinstalled everything after a powerdown. I also factory reset the modx. N...
I have the same problem. just in case this slightly different to what the OP experiences..... the modx is connected via usb, works as a soundcard t...