Last seen: Jan 19, 2025
Also note that the threads don't seem to be displaying in proper order unless I log in.
Just closed and immediately reopened my ios Edge browser and I had to log in again so no difference at all from the original version of these forums.
According to my profile I’m not subscribed to any threads on these forums so I suspect I will not get emails. I can see an option to subscribe to new ...
I’ve just stumbled back onto here and noticed there were replies to my post. I had no idea as I’ve not received any email notificiations. I hope the...
Thanks. I’m in the UK and have previously visited Gear4Music in York to have a play around with synths. BonnersMusic have a few stores, the nearest to...
Cheers Paul. I think we both answered at the same time there! (I was probably 1 minute before you posted) I will check out your blog
Thanks for the replies, here’s a brief description of me
I’m a retired software developer with somewhat of an obsession for synths and keyboards...
People might find the article below about price fixing interesting:- br />
That is very disappointing news for all of us in the UK. I own 3 Yamaha synths and eventually would probably get the M7, but not if the prices in the ...
[quotePost id=124090]Tests show that the search criteria is also removed on the M8X for the test cases you have described.[/quotePost] Ok that’s a ...
To add to my post above, the same happens if you go to a Live Set screen to edit and add the loaded performance to that Live Set and then go back to t...