I think much of FM-X's functionality is encapsulated in the SWP70, including the 8 operators, the algorithms, waveforms, skirts etc. However, there a...
[quotePost id=123859]I just tested by loading one of my Modx backup files and it loaded just fine. [/quotePost]Did it load your sequences as well?
Allow part LFO to modulate FM-X parameters. Presently the part LFO can only modulate insert effect parameters on FM-X parts. The less powerful "2nd ...
A bad volume pot or a bad solder joint on the ground pin on the volume pot can cause this. A Yamaha repair tech should be able to take care of it e...
It "would be nice" (I have a list of these "it would be nice" things) if the cursor stayed put when flipping between 1-4 and 5-8... that is, if it's n...
For example, I'm still unable to get the pluck to behave the exact same, regardless of how long I press the key. I don't want my key press duration...
Keybed feel is subjective, and really has to be evaluated in person. A given keybed might feel great to one person but not to another. I've had bo...
There's no note priority option when using a monophonic part (maybe something that could be added in the future?) But, there are bass arpeggios tha...
The illustration you gave is a generic analog exponential curve envelope shape, it doesn't fully explain what you're trying to achieve. Are you try...
I'd try them in a store if possible (I know, hard these days with this pandemic stuff). I haven't played a MOXF myself but some reviews have stated t...
Thanks for the thorough explanation as usual Bad Mister. Next time I'm messing around I'll go through your steps and learn more about my MODX's mo...
"Memory wear" isn't an issue in most applications, especially ones like the Montage/MODX where not a lot of writing takes place. 100,000 cycles is pe...