Eminent Member
Joined: Sep 16, 2019
Topics: 11 / Replies: 39
Why would Yamaha not expand FM-X?

I think much of FM-X's functionality is encapsulated in the SWP70, including the 8 operators, the algorithms, waveforms, skirts etc. However, there a...

1 year ago
Exporting sequences and patterns?

[quotePost id=123859]I just tested by loading one of my Modx backup files and it loaded just fine. [/quotePost]Did it load your sequences as well?

1 year ago
Low Hanging Fruit Fixes & Improvements

Allow part LFO to modulate FM-X parameters. Presently the part LFO can only modulate insert effect parameters on FM-X parts. The less powerful "2nd ...

3 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1261
MODX8 system output problem

A bad volume pot or a bad solder joint on the ground pin on the volume pot can cause this. A Yamaha repair tech should be able to take care of it e...

4 years ago
Modx Slider Select Button seems to have a bug when selecting Sliders 5-8

It "would be nice" (I have a list of these "it would be nice" things) if the cursor stayed put when flipping between 1-4 and 5-8... that is, if it's n...

4 years ago
Amplitude Envelope feels weird

For example, I'm still unable to get the pluck to behave the exact same, regardless of how long I press the key. I don't want my key press duration...

4 years ago
Semi weighted keyboard

Keybed feel is subjective, and really has to be evaluated in person. A given keybed might feel great to one person but not to another. I've had bo...

4 years ago

There's no note priority option when using a monophonic part (maybe something that could be added in the future?) But, there are bass arpeggios tha...

4 years ago
Amplitude Envelope feels weird

The illustration you gave is a generic analog exponential curve envelope shape, it doesn't fully explain what you're trying to achieve. Are you try...

4 years ago
Recommendation for MODX vs MOXF

I'd try them in a store if possible (I know, hard these days with this pandemic stuff). I haven't played a MOXF myself but some reviews have stated t...

4 years ago
MS Cmn?

Thanks for the thorough explanation as usual Bad Mister. 🙂 Next time I'm messing around I'll go through your steps and learn more about my MODX's mo...

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1982
Montage User Memory NOT Trashed (Assumption wrong)

"Memory wear" isn't an issue in most applications, especially ones like the Montage/MODX where not a lot of writing takes place. 100,000 cycles is pe...

5 years ago
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