Last seen: Feb 3, 2024
Where is I can to use sustain pedal? Can I use as to switch elements ON/OF ? I need anything to switch two voices per time bass ON chord OF bass OF ...
I chose superknob because you can see when it is holding and when it's resetting. Yes, I guessed this. It's right. What sound are you trying to ho...
I missed one obvious possibility! obvious!
Receive SW > Sustain OFF
for right hand, solo voices etc.
Left hand use pedal as is.
But ho...
actually the sustain goes out anyway... with SK the same Is difference MS direct or SuperKnob? I can not understand
Jason, is it possible to use Motion Sequense without SuperKnob to get auto sustain? Part MS not Motion Control Knob Auto. I whant to free SK for oth...
Some common question about arps. If I sould to record my drums arp 32 bar length. How long to play this arp? Every chord changes (key on) to reset or...
Thank you Jason! Andrew thanks!
I'm got a first look in Soundmodo
Crazy! Good!
I'm surprised with this web engine
I have MODX+ I don't remember exactly MODX old I haven't used it for long. I see the problem quite often. I already get used to it. I just want pe...
Is it important to record UserArp in C-dur???
It seems like that! All my bugs here.
Am chord
Part Select [mute/solo] panel open top or bottom rundomly on screen
This is not problem but why? Is it has a settings?
Some words: I load midi...
Now I play with my UserArp and found good thing I hear Gate Time (arpeggio) 100% and 200% both very useful for me! How would they automate and save ...