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Joined: Mar 14, 2021
Last seen: Feb 2, 2024
Topics: 51 / Replies: 212
RE: How to make Performance enough

Where is I can to use sustain pedal? Can I use as to switch elements ON/OF ? I need anything to switch two voices per time bass ON chord OF bass OF ...

6 months ago
How to hold a chords?

I chose superknob because you can see when it is holding and when it's resetting. Yes, I guessed this. It's right. What sound are you trying to ho...

9 months ago
How to hold a chords?

I missed one obvious possibility! obvious! Receive SW > Sustain OFF for right hand, solo voices etc. 😮 Left hand use pedal as is. But ho...

9 months ago
How to hold a chords?

actually the sustain goes out anyway... with SK the same Is difference MS direct or SuperKnob? I can not understand

9 months ago
How to hold a chords?

Jason, is it possible to use Motion Sequense without SuperKnob to get auto sustain? Part MS not Motion Control Knob Auto. I whant to free SK for oth...

9 months ago
How to hold a chords?

Some common question about arps. If I sould to record my drums arp 32 bar length. How long to play this arp? Every chord changes (key on) to reset or...

9 months ago
How to hold a chords?

Thank you Jason! Andrew thanks! I'm got a first look in Soundmodo Crazy! Good! I'm surprised with this web engine 🙂

9 months ago
This is bug

I have MODX+ I don't remember exactly MODX old I haven't used it for long. I see the problem quite often. I already get used to it. I just want pe...

10 months ago
Frequently Asked Questions

Is it important to record UserArp in C-dur??? It seems like that! All my bugs here. Am chord 🙁

1 year ago
Frequently Asked Questions

Part Select [mute/solo] panel open top or bottom rundomly on screen 🙂 This is not problem but why? Is it has a settings? Some words: I load midi...

1 year ago
Play with Pattern

Now I play with my UserArp and found good thing I hear Gate Time (arpeggio) 100% and 200% both very useful for me! How would they automate and save ...

1 year ago
Play with Pattern

OMG large button in center screen "Key On Start" 😀 Finally I saw)

1 year ago
Play with Pattern

So I ask, why not just record your bass line as a “Convert Type” = Fixed Note Arp Phrase… this way when the Scene is recalled to play it plays exactly...

1 year ago
Play with Pattern

I need practice to get this in my head. Otherwise I quickly forget. 🙂 Big thanks!

1 year ago
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