Regarding the size, you are comparing 3 arrangers to a light version of a synthesizer (Fantom-0 compared to Fantom). From my experience, I find arran...
Thanks Guys for the input! Really appreciate it. SongbookPro looks exactly to what I need. I also noticed that the keyword that I should search ...
Ben Israel(@bisrael)kudos icon. +30/Nov/21 5:37 PM Moderator Thanks for the comment. We agree with your request! We are working to add more apparel ...
[quotePost id=116973]Pretty sure those are not official / licensed. Some time ago I posted a request for apparel, mugs and other fanboi items on Id...
Thanks Jason! That helps a lot and solves my issue (which was not even an issue). I had no clue what AF stands for! and... I'm not convinc...
[quotePost id=116814][quotePost id=116813][quotePost id=116812]I think it's true, Dragos has (long ago) hinted that Yamaha asked him and others about ...
Hi Bill, That's true, it is confusing! But here is a long story short: When I decided to add a drumpad, my research led me to like the MPD218...
Update #3 [SOLVED]:
I am sorry for asking questions then answering myself But I did not have any of the info before asking these questions, then...
Update #2: This question, encouraged me this morning to do a quick test (honestly I found an MAudio Oxygen 25 by chance with my construction cloths...
[quotePost id=116780]Hi, I have an MODX 8. Wondering if I could set up a Performance with 2 patches/'tracks' - 1 Piano + 1 Organ. I want to use th...
Update: Can it be connected directly to the MODX (it does not have a 5 Pin MIDI Out)? I was sure that I read it somewhere in the past, and just ...