Thanks Mr BIg Any suggestions what I should do in the meantime? My old Montage drivers were working on Big Sur I suppose my only option is to dow...
Thanks for the new sounds! Can someone explain the preferred steps to try to load a few hundred sounds at a time if that is possible.
It seems to be all fine now. The Yamaha drivers are Intel based of course but running fine now in Logic. The M1 is amazing, Its snappier than my iMac...
Apologies More fiddling and its working now Gracias el amigo
Well thats good to know it is possible. However when I play the track with midi data and record it to audio, I hear the midi changing as I adjust r...
Thanks for the info! When I first heard the Montage I immediately noticed there was some serious audio mojo happening from the audio outputs. A clar...
Koolio! Does Steinberg make an interface that uses the same chip that is in the Montage? Curious to get a better idea of the quality range of th...
Hey Seems all OK now Erased pattern and STARTED FRESH All good What a board this baby is eh?