PS, if anyone is interest to see what most of the equipment used in the piece was... it’s mostly all visible here: My instagram page: musichappensn...
Maybe not. I noticed that assignable knobs do not appear to respond to external properly formed MIDI messages. I wish this was possible because ther...
Hey this is a good idea.. can you share with us the details of how this is done with this hardware and sysex messages? Firstly you need the Monome...
I'm using a Monome 64 to switch Elements on/off within a Performance (via MaxMsp for correct MIDI commands to Montage). Gives me 64 buttons, one pe...
Aaron wrote: You don’t need transpose. Stop hanging onto the past. MONTAGE represents a new paradigm. MONTAGE is a Performance synthesizer with MOT...
Simon wrote: @Aaron... please don't tell us what we don't need your condescending approach is not helpful. @Simon... I thought Aaron's sarcasm w...
studio wrote: (Also, very glad to hear from another V-Synth user—I guess I'm hanging on to mine.) I'm using the D50 engine inside the XT more than...
I've taken a different approach and "paired" a multitude of analog synths with my Montage by filling the Montage User Memory with sounds I've recorded...
Bobby wrote: This content could include sound design videos for example that explicitly focus on the unique methodological and processing advantages ...
Scott wrote: I tend to agree that its not a great capacity in current times. When i heard about sample robot being free with the Montage i thought ...
Michael wrote:That spot on my touch screen is gonna get worn out very quickly otherwise, not to mention my patience.... Patience with Montage navig...
robi wrote: Is not a nonsense. What I'm saying is what I see in real life. That Motifs and Montages are being used by live performers inside pop ro...
@Robi Montage can sound like anything you want in that you can fill it with whatever samples you like! (Anything.....) I can assure you that whe...
robi wrote: I think Yamaha should buy Access company and to include the Virus TI inside their next "Rampage" WORKSTATION. That sugar syrup sound...