Try TENOR to the Max.
Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, It took me 2 weeks to get it in and I still don't know what I did different to get it to work. I loaded MOTIF XF Per...
Thanks Stefan I will try that. I have bosendorfer on a UBS set aside in case of wipe out. Do user files stay put as long as not downloading anything e...
Mr. Jason it appears there are two Gary's asking you about this update and I was asking about the update and Motif XF FILES. Thanks for your help I f...
HOW DO THESE PERFORMANCES SOUND ON THE MONTAGE? Looks like you did a great job there.
Thanks for the sympathy but I am very confused. I was told the update would wipe away all user data. But that the Bosendorfer was not to be affected. ...
yeah I lost mine today and took all day to get it back but NOW I GOT IT!!!!!! I left it on USB STICK to STAY!!!!
When all else fails read the instructions!!!!! Famous last words, I didn't get any instructions thats why I am seeking help here. It says the updat...
Thanks Jason, I down loaded the file and it said it was 149.7 Mb but when I installed it the amount was 446mb. And it would not execute the update. I...
What am I supposed to see to tell if it went in? I do see Montage 2.0 on the screen but Version still says 1.5. I also saw 448.mb. so it went somewh...
I finally got the V2.0 on memory stick but not know what to do to put it in Montage. Anyone out there?
How to load 2.0 from MacBook Pro to memory stick? I already formatted in montage also If I dont have any add in files as in my montage is as it came ...