here is a screengrab Attached files
Hi thanks for the post. Yes, Performances have been recorded direct into Patterns and this now appears to be maxxed out. So, how to shift / store / sa... 3 different sample rates without touching / adjusting any of the settings. How to get them all locked so the MODX records into logic wit...
And now another sample rate - see attached - how is it possible the sample rate has changed 3 times - again I'm only using one MODX performance and th...
Thanks for the post. this is odd, the same project and performance now returns a different sample rate - see attached, not sure why that would chan...
It plays within the MODX sequencer fine when played back as a pattern within the MODX. Not so when printed to logic, despite going thru the steps. Re ...
Hi, double checked that the ARP is bypassed even using the SHIFT + ARP function, it is / was, the sequence is recorded into a pattern. There are 6 cha...
Thanks for the post. WIll try that some day. Are there any how-to's out there you could point to? tutorial / vid link? cheers
Hi Bad Mister, ok thanks for the post. I wait some troubleshooting / next steps. It's odd, the audio seems to route thru in Logic but not Cubase, thou...