I had the same problem leaving my keyboard in a club where I was playing. I solved it by inserting a locking switch in the mains feed inside the case....
Many people use the Behringer FCB1010, connected via 5 pin din
Oh and I got this from my anti virus program: Infected with Win32:Evo-gen [Susp] When I tried to install. I got the same message, I’m now waiting f...
Thanks Jan for your instructions - worked well. However after programming the FCB1010 to change scenes I then tried to program exp pedal A to operate...
Yamaha still haven't put the rear panel decals on the top surface so they can be read from the top. The market for arranger keyboards is the home play...
I too have had no reply to my email so I have just resent it, hopefully with more luck this time
Tilt screen like the Tyros, I'm fed up with straining to see the screen. Obviously designed by someone who stands up to play
FWIW I use Behringer Truth 2031A monitors in the studio - they are useless for gigs and I have just bought a Turbosound iP2000 column outfit for gigs ...
Oh dear! I missed the link, am I too late Ron?
Guys, Brexit is being used as an excuse for all things especially the UK economy improving, in this case you can blame the parasites who make their v...
Hi Chris, brand new, only came in the day before .From AC Hamilton, Blackpool Rd, Preston. Price was £2069. I paid £100 deposit last March and the bal...
Chris wrote: I am considering purchasing a Montage 6 but very disappointed to find that Yamaha have obviously fixed the selling price and therefore...
14cm I'm surprised nobody who has a Montage 7 has measured theirs for you
Apologies Manuel, I have a Montage 6 which I measured and I guess the distance won't be the same for a Montage 7
79cm between centres