Fantom can certainly be a nice synth. Once they add proper sample capabilities with a firmware update. What they have right now is a joke. You cannot ...
Montage/Mojave user here. Everything works as expected.
Badmister, the fact that each Performance has its own msb/lsb and pc doesn't mean much in a real life situation. The performance mode is not the mode...
Talking about using the Montage live, M complains because there is a perceived lag between changing performance 5-10 milliseconds? Is that for real? ...
You need a breath controller with the harmonica patch to make it sound anything like the original. You could use another continuous controller I suppo...
I think, the song's name is "What's love got to do". Most, if not all the dx patches are already on the Montage. Certainly the e.p. and the famous ha...
The only change I am aware of was that the bank numbers and program numbers changed when selecting them over MIDI. I was affected by that because I us...
yes, I know, but why aren´t more people here appaled by this? doesn´t anyone here ceate their own performances? if so, they must have had the same iss...
Is it just me or is Yamaha aiming for people that gig to buy a modx? While using the montage in the studio? I'd say NO. The modx is simply the c...
Thank you both guys for the response. @BadMister, thank you for pointing me to the Ochestra Brass Swell. That's exactly what I was looking for. I e...
I have complained about the very same thing regarding sustain. It is dead simple: You play a piano performance, you hold the sustain pedal down (the ...
To my knowledge, it is not possible to link a performance to a certain song or wav file in the player. This would be such a good feature but Yamaha ob...
I suppose that's the benefit of the "great idea" to omit dedicated banks and memory slots inside a bank on the Montage. The performances are not index...
Thread importance is IMHO clearly visible by the number of pages a topic has. I prefer it this way much more instead of clicking ten times the "show ...