Illustrious Member
Joined: Aug 9, 2016
Last seen: Sep 20, 2024
Topics: 104 / Replies: 8053
How to hold a chords?

The soundmondo auto sustain uses an AWM2 sound (like your Fat Saw) and because AWM2 doesn't have an option to infinitely hold AEG high after release -...

11 months ago
Funky wah wah organ

That's fine - you would set FC1's CC (set to CC 4 for example) so it isn't controlling volume anymore and then wiggle FC1 after pressing the [CONTROL ...

11 months ago
M8X - bulk exports of MORPH performances include data for parts 1-8 that are NOT part of the performance

(Minimally) I'm asking in your dump of this performance what the data return is for those addresses. 0x10/0x00/0x01/0x00 and 0x11/0x00/0x01/0x00 ...

11 months ago
M8X - bulk exports of MORPH performances include data for parts 1-8 that are NOT part of the performance

Is there a difference between adr1/adr2/adr3/adr4 as 0x10/0x00/0x01/0x00 and 0x11/0x00/0x01/0x00? If so, what are these values? ... In the bulk du...

11 months ago
How to hold a chords?

You should be able to use MS direct without superknob. I chose superknob because you can see when it is holding and when it's resetting. Using MS di...

11 months ago
Assign button with INS B delay effect

All delays have a Wet/Dry balance and these should be used to simulate on and off. Alternatively you could move the effect to variation and have th...

11 months ago
Assign button with INS B delay effect

For on/off you need to set the assignable switch [ASSIGN 1] or [ASSIGN 2] to be latched and not momentary. If you press the Performance name then sel...

11 months ago
Funky wah wah organ

1) Replace one of the two Ins Effects (InsA or InsB) with VCM Pedal Wah for each of your organ Parts 2) Edit each VCM Pedal Wah insertion effect and ...

11 months ago
foot controller 1

Answered in this thread:

11 months ago
foot controller 1

That section of the thread was an alternative way that was not the suggestion to use. I just state this to not get Dogukan confused. Turning Vol/E...

11 months ago
foot controller 1

First you would change the default CC of FC1 so that FC1 can be used in a more generic way. Then you would go into the Parts and setup FC1 to be the ...

11 months ago
One Pedal, Many Synths.. or just 2!

You need to turn keyboard control OFF for those Parts you want to set to the Rx/Tx Channel that can be different for each Part. I would probably just...

11 months ago
Alternatives path to adding VA than upgrading to Montage M

If you're using the Montage in its standard state (not as a DAW remote including the plugin option) then I take it you would be controlling the VST wi...

11 months ago
How to hold a chords?

You might want to just load up the crash to an AWM2 Part with a free element and limit the note range to a key on the keyboard and shift that crash so...

11 months ago
M8X - bulk dump reports element count of 8 for drum parts

I understand getting spooked but there's lots of docs (including Montage classic) that have errors and are never corrected. The checksum calculation...

11 months ago
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