Consider a Nord Stage 3... I had a Montage 8 for almost two years and I ended up swapping it for a Nord Stage 3. I felt finally free 'cause I was real...
I never had a pair Genelec 8040B, but I used a pair of Genelec M030 and I still have a pair of Genelec 8010A and I found both fatiguing (I still use t...
It's the same on my Montage 8: I selected First Strike in the category search Main:Syn Lead / sub: All (it's the last performance) and when switching ...
Hi, I'm checking all the tutorials too, 'cause I never did it before. You can find the examples performances in the tutorial Mastering MONTAGE 1: The...
I use a Boss EV-30. I bought it with a Yamaha FC-7 to test them both and I sent back the FC-7. Why? 'cause the Boss EV-30 has metal chassis, it's co...
Have you checked your antivirus? I had mine once stopping all John Melas Softwares, it did that without letting me know, so I didn't know what was go...
It's my town 😀
I bought this for my iPad:
Having side-tracked myself into another exercise involving a 3rd party Library named 'Ultimate Analog', I wanted to convert ('import') 51 Pfs out of 5...
When I try to install the latest download of SampleRobot (6.0.9) on my Mac, I get an error message that the SampleRobot6 directory already exists. I...
I use 4K Video Downloader to save Montage's Youtube Videos on my PC.
Imagine a trumpet added only to the top note of a pipe organ chord being played by the right hand, and euphonium brass or a 16’ pipe organ pedal part ...
The automatic download is working now (at least with Chrome).
I had problems with the Chrome Extension Adblock Plus: I had to deactivate it on the Soundmondo webpage in order to transfer sounds on my Montage.
Manuel sorry I've the same problem....I try to add JM tool to white list but error keep to appeare.....may you indicate me where did you set exception...